It is hard to plan with one arm

Soooooo.... finally got this blogging thing setup. Only problem is that I sustained a rugby injury to my left shoulder a short while back and am now forced to type with one hand (much like a dumb blonde pokes at the keyboard)

Just got off the phone with Rob from STA Travel and the flights are booked! Departing miserable, cold London on 8th Jan. Flying via Atlanta and arriving in Buenos Aires on 9th Jan in the morning where I suspect the temperature will be a balmy 26 deg (watch this blog for confirmation)

Basic plan is to check Argentina out for a few weeks and then start missioning up through Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil... etc etc and onto central America

My faithful companion Riverdance (aka Riverhoor) will be meeting me in Buenos Aires with Weeny

Things still to do:
1. Sell all my unneeded crap
2. Heal my shoulder
3. Buy stuff
5. Talk to all my friends down there and beg for accomodation

This has taken me almost an hour of stupid poking and my arm is exhausted... laters


Unknown said…
So you are heading Argentina. I am telling you, you will not regret this. The other countries as Uruguay, Chile, Brazil are OK, but you are gonna love BA. i did the same Latinamerica trip and Argentina is what I liked the most. The people, the tea houses, the zoo, the Japanese Garden, it was awesome. I stayed in an apartment in buenos aires which was near downtown and everything I needed.
Had the best of times!

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