Is it really all over???

So I have now been in the UK for a couple of weeks living with my brother. It has been really great catching up with him and my friends and thankfully the summer here lingers on so my tan hasn't totally faded yet! I also weighed myself upon my return and was shocked to see that I was a measly 78kg, almost 6kg lighter than when I had left!

The strangest thing I felt when I touched down back in London was that I could clearly recall the day I trudged out of my apartment in West Hampstead with my wheelie bag to embark on this 7 month journey. Nothing seems to have changed much from when I left besides cosmetic alterations. London life continues as it always has and I seem to have slotted in quite neatly without any trouble whatsoever. That's not to say I haven't needed to adjust though! Being responsible is a job in itself I have found. Now I need to find a employment to recoup my funds.

The question I suppose most people are interested in is whether I have changed and whether I have "found" myself. I suppose my answer to this is that I have "found" myself to the extent that I have shed a lot of the unnecessary bothers and worries that used to plague me in London life. I am not a whole new person but I certainly have been enriched by the places I have been to and, more importantly, the people I have met. In this sense I feel I have grown as an individual and I am now aware of so many other things in life. I have unleashed my passion for travelling although I do understand and accept the fact that I cannot carry on indefinitely and that there is a more defined reality for me. I relish the opportunity to settle back into a routine in London for a time until I am ready to start my next adventure. I feel anybody can do what I have done. You just need a bit of courage as it is not a decision taken lightly. Looking back, there are things I would have changed if I could do it all over again (learning Spanish a bit better for example!) but I certainly regret nothing. Everything you go through is a learning experience be it for good or bad. I am almost glad I got mugged in Honduras as I had no idea what it would feel like and it is something I have learnt from!

In conclusion, I would never say that this was something that I needed to "get out of my system" as I feel you can never really shake that thrill of exploring new places. But a person always needs to be sure of themselves and their timing before taking the big leap and going travelling.

Whoever has been reading this blog, I hope you have enjoyed it. I will be taking a break from it until I find a new pursuit that will be suitably interesting to document. I definitely am setting sights on Asia and Brazil for the forseeable future! So watch this blog spot! For any would-be bloggers, I highly recommend it! Looking back at my stories and adventures has been infinitely rewarding. Despite the many hours I have spent editing and posting and the many annoyances with blogging (I should really submit some suggestions to about things such as text editing and picture uploads... there are some really frustrating things about it!).

Is it really all over? Not a chance.

Adios Amigos
Hasta Luego!


Elaine said…
Aww this post made me feel nostalgic & emotional! It was so great sharing some of these adventures with you - I think we made such a great decision to leave London when we did - it was a much more incredible trip than we could ever have imagined! Here's to new and different adventures! Love, Elaine aka Riverdance xxxx

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